sequential shadow images of Sarah Paulson's Head against /the Luminary's stop action construction video with travelogue photos
Cabinetmaker /
Nephew's a cabinetmaker he made a wood one to fit
The Family Plot /
Old Couple on the Road. He's seeing the family flinthill homestead. All cut sandstone and barn wood waiting to be harvested. The family plot, one last time before his turn comes. Worried, the older folk won't make it up the hill.
Hawkfaced Man /
And the Hawkfaced man
Stands Sentry along the road
Till It's Time to Head East /
Up the Flint Hills Road till it's time to head east. Cross at the Atchison bridge to the Eastside of Missouri. Next time will fly the Lewis and Clark flag up the Mississippi to the Rockies
First One of the Day /
That was the magic moment I pulled up got out of the car walked over took picture and now they're gone. Back in there Heidihole. And now no wish.
PEACE or decadent orgies.
Just back in the car and drive the Flinthills
The Big Nosed Old Man /
The big nosed old man emerges from the shadows while his friend hides in the light
I Wish I Was Here /
I wish I was here during Highwater to see these low flat River Valleys fill with the spring rush. Covering the land depositing new rich soil on the black dirt black dirt farms.
Just saw my first flowing water sent to Texas /
Off to Highway 287 /
fine fine Praire Highway. When I've never seen south of Wichita in the Rollinghills -////---
"The early energy men in it for family and fortune. Make a living off the Prairie and help build the nation. From the time before we know the effects on the balance of wind and rain."
Big Cotton /
Big cotton big Cotton ship it on the railcar to St. Louis, Feed the fabric industries. Make the cloth make the dresses. That built The lofts that artist lived in
The Battle of Adobe Walls /
With a roadside plaques and tell of Kit Carson's last fight with the Indians at the Battle of Adobe Walls And same day as my birthday 1864. He bought Kiowa Comanche a Colonel in the US Army
Stopping at the Roadside Park... /
to piss take a hit and Text new stories.
The High Plains and Canadian River Valley my morning view.
Stopping at the roadside park to text you stories. /
Driving the High Plains Drifter. /
Cowboys crossing the Canadian River, dry and overgrown waiting for flood.
Settlers digging legs from Buffalo wallows in the first well to going and on the 6666 ranch.
The new tank farms with their moat to protect us from the spill.
Watched Two Old Ladies Beat the Band on Cameras. /
The camera woman white balances the shot while the card woman got two cards placed one on the white wall using the second card to hold the bottom took the picture replaced the cards.
You could tell they were practiced team no hesitation
No wasted movement